Shaping the future of cancer research: Public consultation launched for London Cancer Hub in Sutton

The London Cancer Hub is set to become a world-leading district for cancer research and treatment, thanks to a groundbreaking new development in Sutton.

Spearheaded by Aviva and Socius, the ambitious project promises major socioeconomic benefits, including 13,000 jobs and a significant boost to both the local and UK economy.

Building on the state-of-the-art facilities already provided by the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden Hospital, the London Cancer Hub will create a vibrant ecosystem of laboratories, research centres, and commercial facilities. Attracting top-tier researchers and scientists from around the world, this project has the power to accelerate the development of cancer treatments and solidify the UK’s position as a leader in the life sciences sector.

The Vision for London Cancer Hub

The cancer research and innovation facility will sit across a five-hectare site in the heart of Sutton, encompassing one million square feet of life sciences district. The project aims to deliver cutting-edge research infrastructure whilst integrating seamlessly with the local community dynamic.

Following an initial round of consultation in March 2024, we’ve been using feedback to help shape the development of the project. More than 1,400 people took part in previous consultations, with 90% of respondents expressing support for the development in Sutton, and a strong desire for additional community facilities including green spaces, recreational activities and opportunities for younger residents.

Since then, we’ve continued to meet frequently with residents and organisations to gather further opinions, as well as attend local careers fairs, and fundraise for the Institute of Cancer Research through sponsored walking, cycling and running events.

Another call for community input

We’re inviting residents, workers, and visitors in Sutton and the surrounding areas to share their views on the London Cancer Hub proposals. This public consultation aims to ensure that the development meets the needs and expectations of the community while establishing a globally recognised centre for cancer research and innovation.

The project plans and feedback from previous consultations are now available to view online, allowing people to share their views via an online survey at

Sophie White, Sector Head for Regeneration at Aviva, emphasised the project’s importance, saying, “Aviva is investing significantly in critical areas of the UK economy. We are using our capital to generate long-term income for our customers and help the UK to grow, with the London Cancer Hub representing an important part of that ambition.”

“It is incredibly important that the site delivers for local people as well as for the scientific research community. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build something special in Sutton. We strongly encourage the local community to join us at a consultation event, hear more about the evolving plans, and most importantly, contribute their thoughts and ideas on the London Cancer Hub.”

Daniel May, Development Director at Socius, added: “We are pleased that over 1,400 local people have already shared their strong support for our scheme so far. We have committed to continuing to listen to feedback and these events will provide an opportunity to see how the plans are developing and give people the chance to contribute their thoughts and ideas. We hope that local residents can see that the designs are people-centred, are knitted into the existing community, and deliver places and amenities that people can benefit from, both now and for generations to come.”

Get Involved

The London Cancer Hub represents a unique opportunity to shape the future of cancer research and bring lasting benefits to Sutton and beyond. We encourage everyone in the community to participate in the upcoming consultations, ensuring that this pioneering project meets the needs of all stakeholders and achieves its full potential.

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Liam Ronan-Chlond



Posted 17/07/24

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